Our Technology
ProPay Prime is a Membership Management Company developed over 30 years and has Member Growth, Member Service, and Member Retention built into the very core of the source code. ProPay knows that new customer/member acquisition costs are roughly seven times what it costs to keep a member serviced. ProPay has built an end-to-end ecosystem of software modules that ensure that when a member is recruited and brought onto the ecosystem, the cost of servicing that member within the software environment is low. Improving our client revenue-generating capabilities almost immediately boosts our client's revenue generation capabilities & bottom-line profitability.
ProPay has a proven implementation approach and methodology. Our Professional Services team collaborates with our clients to quickly, efficiently, and effectively deliver the solution to the organizations, enabling quantifiable and auditable value almost immediately.
Our Pedigree
Through our software systems, ProPay Prime is one of the largest bank switching intermediaries in SA. ProPay has a 30+ year history in servicing large membership organizations and has become the leading Member Relational management company in South Africa.